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Showing posts with label the Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Bible. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2020

Study Your Bible For Life


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

You should study your Bible for it is God's manual on how to live your life.  When a manufacturer makes a product, there is always an instruction manual that accompanies it.  So it is with God.  He, in His infinite wisdom - does not want you to experiment with life, because you are not an experiment.  You are created with a purpose.

The problem with evolution is: that it tells you that you are a product of random chance.  No, your cellular structure is more complex than the computer on which you are typing.  Just as an architect designs a house, God designed you before He created you.

The trouble with humankind is that - it has established independence from God; the original source from which it came – and has since lost its direction.

Math, English, electronics, vocabulary and other subjects tell you how to make a living as many people do.  Unfortunately, they do not tell you how to live.  The Bible is the only book that tells you how to live your life according to the instructions of its maker!

Therefore, read and study your Bible - and know the reason for your existence.

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The Color Of God

What Color Is God?

By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

God is a Spirit and has transcended color.  He is neither black nor white.  However, he created humanity with a variety of different colors, like different flowers in a bouquet.  This is because God, the ultimate artist, likes diversity in the way he expresses himself; just like we do.

There is no superiority and inferiority in races for no aspect of the creation at the very onset was inferior.  In Genesis Chapter 1, God saw that everything was good.  He wanted all men made in his image (Genesis 1: 26).  Since we are his image, we have his potential in embryonic form.  He has given us eternity to bring this out.  The Bible says there is no Greek or Jew in Christ.  So Jews and Gentiles are one in Yeshua!

However, I believe different races have different gifts, aptitudes, temperaments etc., because they are unique aspects of his image.  There is a reason for this, according to God's purpose and calling.

However, the historical Jesus had a physical appearance.  According, to the Greek and Roman historians - his skin color was olive or some say swarthy.  His hair was long to shoulders-length and wavy; and in color, it was reddish brown.  His features were more or less Middle Eastern.

This is so because the ascendant cultures in those times were the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern ones and the darker peoples of Ethiopia and Egypt.

The Caucasian peoples: the Goths, Vikings and Saxons came into the ascendancy with the Gospel later on!  Notice these days that the Bible belt countries rule.  Likewise, Ethiopia and the other third world countries shall stretch forth their wings as they perpetuate God's plans and purposes in the earth.

Having said all of this, we should not strive to know Christ according to race or ethnicity.  All of this is interesting to us mortals.  St. Paul said we should strive to know Christ after the Spirit.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Jesus is The Master of The Universe


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

Many persons have wondered about the status of Jesus Christ.  Some faiths regard Him as one mediator among many.  Others ignorantly believe that He was only a great teacher.  Again, the deceived think that Jesus was deluded.  All of these viewpoints are shared by some Bahamians, but are far from the truth.

The true Christian, however, believes that Jesus is God incarnate, for it is scripturally stated that Jesus: “who, being in the very form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.” - (Philippians 2: 6-7).

It would also seem according to the latest revelation that Jesus Christ’s influence as: “the express image of the Father” - extends not only to this world but also to other worlds or universes, visible or invisible.  The Bible bears this out when it says, “All authority is given unto me (Jesus) in heaven and in earth.” - (Matthew 28:18).  Also, Jesus is: “far above all principality and power and might, and dominion, and every name that is named; not only in this age, but also in that which is to come.” - (Ephesians 1: 21).

Did you know that Jesus has power over aliens (or extraterrestrials)?  They are very real, although some people doubt their existence.  There is a new kind of spiritual warfare going on in these latter times against them (Ephesians 6: 12).  There is documentary evidence that hundreds of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) abductions were simply stopped by crying the name of Jesus.  Even quoting scripture; using praise or applying the blood of Jesus against these aliens repels them.

It is important that other faiths here in The Bahamas realize that the names of Solomon, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Bahaullah or Joseph Smith have no effect upon these attackers.  All of the aforementioned people are limited by the very fact that they had to be created.  Only Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, is co-eternal with the Father - (John 1: 1).  The others are not.  Only the anointed name of Jesus has been known to repel demon, animal and extraterrestrial attacks.  Brothers and sisters - of whatever faith – this proves that the name of Jesus is infinitely superior to any other name.  Jesus is literally who he claims to be - the Master of the universe.  Submit to Him today.

What about these aliens beings?  Some claim to be from remote galaxies; others from parallel universes; even from other dimensions or from a different time continuum (like our future).  But I believe that they conceal the fact that they are the fallen angels talked about in Revelation 12: 9.  These angels fell to the earth along with Satan!  They took wives from the daughters of men producing a race of beings called Nephilim (Genesis 6:4).

These fallen angels came to earth with knowledge from heaven.  Thus you had many ancient civilizations springing up overnight with advanced mathematical and technical skills.  But Satan’s ultimate plan was to corrupt the race through mixing so that the Messiah could not come to redeem man!  These beings also bought violence and corruption to the earth that was put to an end by Noah’s purifying flood.

Today, however, there are still many UFO sightings.  These alien beings continue their contact with humans in strict secrecy.  Many of today’s scientific breakthroughs are a result of spin-offs from such contacts.  They are still inseminating “the daughters of men” as in the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37).  In the end, they will face judgment and fire for their evil deeds.  Again, the earth shall be purged of all iniquity - not with water but with fire - and Jesus Christ shall rule the world with a rod of iron.  The peace He will bring will last for all eternity.


                        Prove the facts for yourself

Genesis 6: 4 states that “there were giants in the earth; and also after that, when the sons of Heaven came into the daughter’s of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

Source for the above information:

Joe Taylor, Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum
124 West Main St.P.O. Box 550CrosbytonTX 79322
(805) 675-7777 (office) and (806) 675-2421 (fax)

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

God’s Israel


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

The Jews are definitely God’s chosen people.  Just as God has chosen a people unto Himself, He has also chosen a land for them in which to dwell in perpetuity.  God himself measured the dimensions of this land over 3000 years ago (Joshua 1: 3-4).  God is therefore a Zionist.

We can certainly depend on the Bible in authenticating the identity of the Jews as the chosen ones.  It is the most accurate book of all antiquity.  Of the 27 scriptural texts of the other world’s religions, there is a great deal more documentary evidence confirming the historical and textual reliability of the Bible.

Also, those clever Jewish scribes took great care to foolproof the Bible for all posterity.  They knew that with time comes distortion.  Therefore, they counted every word and every letter on every page.  If the count was incorrect on re-examination, the inaccurate page was torn up and the scribe started the process of writing again.  So scrupulous were they in their pursuit for perfection, we know that there are 304,805 letters in the book of Genesis.  There is also a count of the number of vowels and consonants in each book that they copied.

In getting back to the subject, the Bible states that the Lord “…chose Jacob unto Himself and Israel for a peculiar treasure” (Psalm 135: 4).  Most of all, God avowed to make the Jewish people “…high above all nations whom He hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour…” (Deuteronomy 26: 19).

The Jews above all, were chosen to spread God’s light throughout the planet.  They are the conduits through which the salvation of Jesus Christ was made available to humanity.  In both the spiritual and the secular spheres, they have been overachievers.  This is a fulfillment of the prophecy that all the nations of the earth shall be blessed by Israel (Genesis 18: 18).


Christianity came to us through the Jew.  From the Judeo-Christian ethic came the great technological innovations and cultural developments as we know them today.  It is an established fact that Bible believing creationists founded every branch of science.

The Gentile nations also profited from the Christian perspective.  The people responsible for our technological innovations began life as barbarians.  The Vikings, the other Germanic tribes – including the Goths, Franks and the Saxons were a menace to the European coast.  They destroyed everything in their path as a sacrifice to their demonic gods of war.

When the Bible permeated their culture, they became civilized and today you find among them the Scandinavian peoples, the British and the Americans.  Since these people honoured the word of God in their culture, it is observed that a great number of the Nobel Prizes in Science and Technology go to them.  It is further noticed that all other countries in the Bible belt that adopt the Judeo-Christian ethic begin to prosper materially, intellectually and spiritually as well.

A modern day nation that has arisen from poverty and illiteracy is Norway.  After a farm boy introduced the Bible into this culture, the Norwegians immediately began to notice the difference.  Today, they are the most prosperous nation in the world per capita.

In South Korea, the same thing happened.  After the gospel was allowed to flourish, this country became the 12th richest nation in the world in 25 years.

Just as these blessings have followed the genetic offspring of Abraham, they have followed his spiritual descendants – the gentiles.  As the people of African ancestry obey the call to carry God’s light throughout the world, God likewise, will prosper them in the different spheres of human endeavour.  “In the last days, Ethiopia shall stretch forth her wings” - (Psalm 68: 31).



Many have marveled at the phenomenal accomplishments of the Jewish people in almost every sphere of human endeavour.  The ordinary man attributes this to intellect.  Psychologists search for a genetic or environmental basis for their high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) ratings.

However, this is part and parcel of the generational blessings coming down from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  If the Ashkenazi Jews (those of Polish, Russian and German ancestry) are found to score 10 to 15 points higher on IQ tests than the surrounding populations, it is not by their own resourcefulness.  It is by the Spirit of God.  The Creator has equipped them to be a blessing to all nations as He has prophesied.  When God calls for something, he provides for it.

Other speculators would suggest that the Jews have bred eugenically over the years, when the sons of scholars married the daughters of the merchant class, thus producing the survival of the fittest intellectually.  Their intellect has led them, as some to contend, to withstand persecution.  However, other great nations before them have disappeared from the earth with much less persecution.  There is a supernatural component to the survival of the Jew.

Even their enemies have acknowledged their ability to innovate and their intellectual prowess.  It is a known fact, that one in five of all Nobel laureates have been Jewish - even though they are 1/24 of 1 percent of the world’s population.  Other interesting observations are 1/3 of the faculty at Harvard Medical School is Jewish, and also 1/3 of Nobel Prize winners in medicine are also Jewish.

In the arts, they are the world’s most formidable performers.  It is conceded by some that the Jewish born Felix Mendelssohn was a greater musical prodigy that Mozart.  Mendelssohn was a walking musical library at 12.  With total recall, he could produce any classical piano work on demand.

Today, Jewish concert pianists and concert violinists are the personification of their art.  They are icons in the performance world without equal.  The Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, called the aristocrat of orchestras, consists of all former first chair players from all over the world.


Since the dawn of history, 800 civilizations perished when they violated God’s universal principles of morality.  These civilizations became worn down not necessarily because of a lack of intellectual insight, creativity or scientific innovations.  They fell because of a lack of revealed knowledge through the oracles of God.  In Proverbs 29:18, it states that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”  People generally interpret this to mean man- based vision.  However, man’s vision is flawed and sometimes he and his vision perish.  Vision in this context is the Hebrew word for revelation.  God’s ideal modus operandi for humankind is to function through the intellect and a combination of intuition (or revealed knowledge) coming from the Holy Spirit.  When there is a high level of revelation knowledge, a nation will begin to experience real and sustained prosperity.

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We are Born in Sin


Dear Friends in Christ,



The Bible puts it: "we were born in sin and shaped iniquity."  We inherit the sin nature through our Adamitic bloodline.  As a result, the male bloodline carries the potential for sin.  That is why Jesus had to be born without a genetic father, being conceived through the Holy Spirit.  His bloodline was given to Him by God.

When we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour, we inherit His bloodline and become sons and daughters of God.  The sons and daughters of God are also led by the Spirit of God.

Yes, we are born in sin.  Sin is not necessarily what we do. It is an inherited condition. The acts are just symptoms of this fallen condition.

Francis Fawkes


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Science and The Existence of God


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

Some people believe that science goes against the Christian faith.  However, true and objective - science never goes against the truths as enshrined in God's word but confirms it.

Of all the world religions, only Judeo-Christian theology says that time has a beginning.  The Bible is the only book that describes God as a Being who creates independently "of time, space, matter and energy."  In all of the other Holy Books, God creates with time!  As a matter of fact, in the statement: "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth,” the Latin phrase "creatio ex nihilo" is used which means "creation out of nothing."  In the original Greek we have "Pro Chronon Aionion" or “before time eternal."  In Titus 1:2 it states: "that hope that we have in Jesus Christ was given to us before the beginning of time.  Another verse of scripture is: "The grace of God that we now experience was put into effect BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME" - (2Timothy 1:9).  Again, in this passage the same three Greek words are used.  There are eight places in the Bible which state that God created time.

Many false teachers, bogus scientists and philosophers have said that the universe always existed or that it is self-existent?  Another false assertion was that is was created independently of God.  Again, nothing by and of itself brings forth nothing - except when God intervenes.

In 1990, the Hubble telescope was launched in space.  For the first time this powerful instrument saw to the edge of the universe which is about 13.7 billion light years away.  It was an incredible discovery for this is saying that the universe is limited or finite.  It is not infinite as we all thought.  According to Einstein: "...if the universe has a beginning, it must have a beginner, hence the existence of God."  Einstein further acknowledges that length, width, height and time had to be created.  Even Stephen Hawking confirms that time had to be created!  The Bible also states in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth."  That means everything in the Cosmos.

So much for what the scientists have to say about the limits of our physical universe; we Christian believers know that God’s creative power is ever vaster than we can conceive.  For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created by Him and for Him.  (NASB) Colossians 1:16


"The Case for the Creator" by Lee Strobel
"New Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God"
by Hugh Ross

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