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Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

God’s Israel


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

The Jews are definitely God’s chosen people.  Just as God has chosen a people unto Himself, He has also chosen a land for them in which to dwell in perpetuity.  God himself measured the dimensions of this land over 3000 years ago (Joshua 1: 3-4).  God is therefore a Zionist.

We can certainly depend on the Bible in authenticating the identity of the Jews as the chosen ones.  It is the most accurate book of all antiquity.  Of the 27 scriptural texts of the other world’s religions, there is a great deal more documentary evidence confirming the historical and textual reliability of the Bible.

Also, those clever Jewish scribes took great care to foolproof the Bible for all posterity.  They knew that with time comes distortion.  Therefore, they counted every word and every letter on every page.  If the count was incorrect on re-examination, the inaccurate page was torn up and the scribe started the process of writing again.  So scrupulous were they in their pursuit for perfection, we know that there are 304,805 letters in the book of Genesis.  There is also a count of the number of vowels and consonants in each book that they copied.

In getting back to the subject, the Bible states that the Lord “…chose Jacob unto Himself and Israel for a peculiar treasure” (Psalm 135: 4).  Most of all, God avowed to make the Jewish people “…high above all nations whom He hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour…” (Deuteronomy 26: 19).

The Jews above all, were chosen to spread God’s light throughout the planet.  They are the conduits through which the salvation of Jesus Christ was made available to humanity.  In both the spiritual and the secular spheres, they have been overachievers.  This is a fulfillment of the prophecy that all the nations of the earth shall be blessed by Israel (Genesis 18: 18).


Christianity came to us through the Jew.  From the Judeo-Christian ethic came the great technological innovations and cultural developments as we know them today.  It is an established fact that Bible believing creationists founded every branch of science.

The Gentile nations also profited from the Christian perspective.  The people responsible for our technological innovations began life as barbarians.  The Vikings, the other Germanic tribes – including the Goths, Franks and the Saxons were a menace to the European coast.  They destroyed everything in their path as a sacrifice to their demonic gods of war.

When the Bible permeated their culture, they became civilized and today you find among them the Scandinavian peoples, the British and the Americans.  Since these people honoured the word of God in their culture, it is observed that a great number of the Nobel Prizes in Science and Technology go to them.  It is further noticed that all other countries in the Bible belt that adopt the Judeo-Christian ethic begin to prosper materially, intellectually and spiritually as well.

A modern day nation that has arisen from poverty and illiteracy is Norway.  After a farm boy introduced the Bible into this culture, the Norwegians immediately began to notice the difference.  Today, they are the most prosperous nation in the world per capita.

In South Korea, the same thing happened.  After the gospel was allowed to flourish, this country became the 12th richest nation in the world in 25 years.

Just as these blessings have followed the genetic offspring of Abraham, they have followed his spiritual descendants – the gentiles.  As the people of African ancestry obey the call to carry God’s light throughout the world, God likewise, will prosper them in the different spheres of human endeavour.  “In the last days, Ethiopia shall stretch forth her wings” - (Psalm 68: 31).



Many have marveled at the phenomenal accomplishments of the Jewish people in almost every sphere of human endeavour.  The ordinary man attributes this to intellect.  Psychologists search for a genetic or environmental basis for their high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) ratings.

However, this is part and parcel of the generational blessings coming down from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  If the Ashkenazi Jews (those of Polish, Russian and German ancestry) are found to score 10 to 15 points higher on IQ tests than the surrounding populations, it is not by their own resourcefulness.  It is by the Spirit of God.  The Creator has equipped them to be a blessing to all nations as He has prophesied.  When God calls for something, he provides for it.

Other speculators would suggest that the Jews have bred eugenically over the years, when the sons of scholars married the daughters of the merchant class, thus producing the survival of the fittest intellectually.  Their intellect has led them, as some to contend, to withstand persecution.  However, other great nations before them have disappeared from the earth with much less persecution.  There is a supernatural component to the survival of the Jew.

Even their enemies have acknowledged their ability to innovate and their intellectual prowess.  It is a known fact, that one in five of all Nobel laureates have been Jewish - even though they are 1/24 of 1 percent of the world’s population.  Other interesting observations are 1/3 of the faculty at Harvard Medical School is Jewish, and also 1/3 of Nobel Prize winners in medicine are also Jewish.

In the arts, they are the world’s most formidable performers.  It is conceded by some that the Jewish born Felix Mendelssohn was a greater musical prodigy that Mozart.  Mendelssohn was a walking musical library at 12.  With total recall, he could produce any classical piano work on demand.

Today, Jewish concert pianists and concert violinists are the personification of their art.  They are icons in the performance world without equal.  The Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, called the aristocrat of orchestras, consists of all former first chair players from all over the world.


Since the dawn of history, 800 civilizations perished when they violated God’s universal principles of morality.  These civilizations became worn down not necessarily because of a lack of intellectual insight, creativity or scientific innovations.  They fell because of a lack of revealed knowledge through the oracles of God.  In Proverbs 29:18, it states that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”  People generally interpret this to mean man- based vision.  However, man’s vision is flawed and sometimes he and his vision perish.  Vision in this context is the Hebrew word for revelation.  God’s ideal modus operandi for humankind is to function through the intellect and a combination of intuition (or revealed knowledge) coming from the Holy Spirit.  When there is a high level of revelation knowledge, a nation will begin to experience real and sustained prosperity.

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The Fallacy of Evolution

Evolution - Fact or Fallacy?



By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.



Christianity is accepted basically through faith.  The Bible says that is it impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).

Again, every Christian must have a factual basis for their belief-system.  We definitely know that it is the true faith and must be able to defend it against the onslaughts of atheists, agnostics, humanists.  In 1 Peter 11:6, it is written: " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."

There is an awesome, fantastic and impressive factual basis for your faith, Christianity.  For evolution, there is none.  I do not see how any intelligent person or a scientist could possibly subscribe to it.  This is because evolution is not even scientific.  It is also a pretext for immorality and moral relativism.

Proof of the fallacy of evolution:

If all life forms evolve, how come the cockroach has not evolved "after millions of years"?

How come pterodactyls were seen in New Guinea?  Weren't they suppose to be extinct”millions of years ago"?  Or were they supposed to evolve after "millions of years"?

How come men's footprints were seen in the fossil beds with that of a dinosaur?  According to the evolutionists, the dinosaurs were supposed to have died out before man come on the scene.  This shows that man and the dinosaur co-existed! The textbooks will probably have to be rewritten.  Evolution is a hoax.

In the Congo, Great dinosaurs have been seen called by the natives Mokele Mbembe.

According to the evolutionists, they were supposed to have died out "70 million years ago."

The prehistoric fish, the colecanth, survives unchanged after "400 million years."  What happened there, did evolution forget it?

The Aztecs made cave drawings of prehistoric flying reptiles in 600 A.D.?  WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?

Again I do not believe that these vast time periods that are describe ever existed.  They are much shorter.  True science proves this.  The methods of dating are grossly inaccurate.



Apatosaurus: Still live in the jungles of the Congo.  They are too large for our planned facilities (and especially for those of the church groups who would wish to borrow them) and breeding would be difficult given their presumably longer life cycle.

Plesiosaurs: Are reported living in many lakes and their carcasses have been found in the oceans by fishermen.  However, they are notoriously difficult to find alive and would require a large and expensive aquatic facility to display them.

Trilobites: We know they still live in the oceanic depths from body parts that have been found washed ashore.  They would require very expensive submersible vehicles and pressurized display tanks.

Velociraptors: Today terrorize the goat herders of Puerto Rico and are rumored to guard the remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat.  They have become vicious since the fall as the result of the effects of genetic entropy, making them too dangerous for the sort of interactive public experience we have.



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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Be Rapture Ready!


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

There is a lot of teaching on prosperity.  Sure, Christians need a certain measure of prosperity to be more effective in Christian ministry.  They would certainly be handicapped in carrying out the great commission if they were broke (Matthew 24:14).  However, Ministers of the Gospel need to prioritize and give end–time prophecy its rightful due.  God revealed to the Christian author David Wilkerson in his book, “The Vision,” that as Job was tempted by depravation and loss, so is the latter day Christian tempted by greed and wealth.  It is rather unfortunate that eschatology or end-time prophecy has been eclipsed by prosperity teaching, and many Christians are not prepared for the next appearing of Jesus.  Holiness, with which no man can see God’s face, has ceased to become an issue of importance (Hebrews 12: 14).

The Rapture is conspicuous by its absence in the pulpits today.  Emphasis needs to be placed on the Rapture (Harpazo, Gk. – snatching away from danger).  This is an extremely serious situation as the Rapture is synonymous with the first resurrection of the righteous dead (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17).  The whole of Christianity revolves around the resurrection.  St. Paul states: if Christ did not arise, then our faith is in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:14).

My concern stems from a dream the Lord revealed to me on the Rapture in the 1980’s.  I found myself thousands of feet in the air.  When I looked down I saw many people still on the ground.  They exuded egotism and pride in their jobs.  They were totally unaware that the Master Jesus had come and gone.

Confounded and mildly upset, I wondered what this meant.  I had never experienced anything like that.  I thought that all mouth- professing Christians go to Heaven.  The Lord explained to me that not every Christian will be going up in the Rapture.  He further stated that some believe that they are real Christians, but they are not.  I had other dreams of the Rapture in which I saw the prepared go up in small groups!  When you study the situation, it shows the Christian that he cannot use salvation by grace as a licence to sin (Hebrews 6: 4-7).


In Matthew 7: 21:  “Jesus expressly states that not all that say Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of my  Father which is in heaven.”

Many think that speaking in tongues, prophesying and casting out devils will guarantee them a place in the Rapture or Heaven.  But listen to the rest of the story.  Jesus quotes in verse 22: “Many shall say in that day Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name?  And in thy name cast out devils?”  In verse 23 he will say unto them: “I never knew you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity.”  They could have made it if they had repented of their evil deeds.

With the search for guidance from the Holy Spirit, I continued to study other visions, dreams, near-death-experiences and outer-body-experiences of people around the world.  In trying to distinguish the genuine from the counterfeit, I discovered something traumatic but possibly true.  If a very small percentage of the world’s population are going to heaven where do the majority go?  No need to answer the obvious.  This is a revelation from Jesus to Minister Howard Pittman in his telling of a near-death-experience that he had in his book called “Placebo.”

Here are the most surprising revelations of men of God.  When the Rapture comes only 10 percent of Christians will be taken up.  There are many such similar reports.  Furthermore, a large percentage of Ministers of the Gospel may not be raptured because they lack a pure heart or are not living holy lives.  Many of them may fail because of sins of the heart and sins connected with their thought life.  I believe that God has an incredible standard for Ministers of the Gospel – one of absolute, pure holiness!  It is certainly higher than the general population at large.  In Matthew 7:14 it is written:  “… straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto eternal life, and few there be that find it.”  It is incredible that “few” can mean few Christians as well.  We have to put more emphasis on holiness and repentance.


Whatever happened to holiness?  Has it been thrown out of the window?  In Leviticus 11:45 it states: “I am the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be ye holy, because I am holy.”  In Hebrews 12: 14: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.”  In an alarming revelation that was given to a very popular man of God, many men of God who were thought sure to be in heaven were not there – God knew their hearts.  Others, who many thought would never make it to heaven, were seen in heaven.  “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8).

There are revelations given by Ministers of God as to why God would have rejected them if they had not repented and met his standards.  Howard Pittman thought that he was pleasing God in ministry.  God revealed that his motives were selfish and that he was his own false God.  He committed the sin of idolatry without repentance.  If he remained in that state, he would not make it into heaven.  He learnt that 2.5 percept of the world’s population were being saved at that moment.  The other 97.5 percept perished.

Renowned Ugandan pastor John Mulinde despite a prospering ministry with healings and salvations was not ready because he had not repented of an abominable thought life.

Pastor John Ekechukwu of Nigeria was not ready because of unforgiveness in his heart towards his wife.  He learnt that if he had not repented, he would have his part in the lake of fire.  Many ministers have intense hatred and refuse to let go of certain things in their hearts towards others.  Jesus said: “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive you your trespasses” (Matthew 6: 15).  Forgiveness is the essence of salvation.


“Repent ye, therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out…” (Acts 3:19).  What habitual sins should the Minister of the Gospel and Christian repent of alike?  Here are some of the sins all need to repent of.  One can use Galatians 5: 19 as a complete guideline for spiritual purity and purity of the heart.  However, I will name some of the more common lifestyle sins of both: Adultery, fornication, lustfulness, witchcraft, hatred, envyings, wrath and drunkenness.  Repent of these sins if they become a matter of lifestyle.  Those that do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.  Slander, whether direct or by innuendo in everyday life and in the pulpit is a sin according to 1 Corinthians 6: 9.  Such a person is called a “reviler” in the aforementioned passage.  Those that make these sins a lifestyle shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.


Jesus told a Christian that the fires of hell cannot be compared to the fires of earth – they are much hotter.  There are some Christians who believe that the fires of hell are figurative, however in no sense of the word can it be unreal.  Here is a passage too explicit to be figurative.  “And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter the Kingdom of God  with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: where the worm dieth not and the fire quenches not” (Mark 9:47 -48).  The Lord also told another person that the greatest punishment is not reserved for the pagan, but for the Christians that knew the word of God but still persisted in evil doing without repentance.  Yes, the key is repentance.


This passage of scripture Revelation 13: 16 - 18 is being fulfilled before in our times, but many ministers hardly make a comment on it:  “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich or poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast…”  In verse eighteen this number is 666.

It is astonishing, that 2 ½ million people have already accepted the microchip.  This is the forerunner Mark of the Beast and the pulpits are silent!  Mark of the Beast legislation is being fought successfully in several states of the United States.  They are Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Wisconsin, North Dakota and California.  The church continues to slumber in denial.

Does the Christian know that the cashless society is making progress at a frightening rate of about 90 percent in Europe and Asia?  There are certain shops in Europe which reject liquid cash because purchases are only permissible electronically.  In a few years’ time, they want everyone in India to have a number.  The Bible indicates that buying and selling will be done according to a number system.

This chip is supposed to go on the back of the right hand or in forehead.  That microchip carries the possibility of monitoring and controlling you for not only medical purposes but for economic and political purposes as well.

So, Christians - you have been warned.  In Matthew Chapter 25, do not be like the five foolish virgins: prepare your lamps with oil.  Do not be like the proverbial virgins today who say the Rapture promotes “an escape mentality” and fail to fill their lamps with oil.  Listen to what the master Jesus had to say about this: “for there shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).   According to the seven seals, the seven trumpets and the seven bowls, the judgements will wipe out billions of lives in a short space of time.  Islands and mountains will be dislocated (Revelation 6 – 18).  So preparation with an escape mentality is very well justified.

Friend, if you die today that is your Rapture.  For it states in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17, the dead will be the first to arise to meet Christ in the air.  They will be followed by those saved ones who will never see death.

I want to conclude by saying do not be afraid of the word “Rapture.”  It really comes from the Latin Vulgate Bible, and it does not conflict with the original concept of “snatching away” in the original Greek text.  Look and prepare with great expectation for the next appearing of Jesus the Christ for there is a special reward for them that desire his appearing (2 Timothy 2: 8).

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