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Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Truths About The Da Vinci Code


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

Recently, I have heard a lot about the movie The Da Vinci Code based on the novel by Dan Brown.  In this writing - which is fiction, and based upon distorted history - the author purports that Jesus had a romantic relationship with Mary Magdalene - or was in fact married to her.  So absurd and so laughable was this assertion that a number of people told me that they were not going to see the movie.  Their reason being, they did not want to support a lie.

However, there are those who think that the arguments for The Da Vinci Code are plausible.  My purpose in writing this article is to expose this satanic hoax.  I also want to show you that the real purpose in writing this book is to undermine your faith and destroy your soul.

Your Saviour and master, Jesus Christ was not only sinless, but he had no physical offspring.  In 1 Peter 2:22, Jesus’ sinless nature is confirmed in an eye-witness account: Jesus did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.  At the foot of the cross, of all the people mentioned, no wife or sweetheart was named (John 19: 25-27).  Mary Magdalene did not flee with any offspring to France to perpetuate a royal French line of kings.  She died in Ephesus.

How did the author come to such a ridiculous conclusion that Jesus was married?  He inferred it from an imperfectly preserved passage in The Gnostic Gospel by Philip.  This passage was so fragmentary that no one could make complete sense from it, but he deduced marriage from it.  This is the height of intellectual dishonesty.

What are The Gnostic Gospels?  They belonged to a number of false gospels in circulation at the time of the disciples.  In them, the deity of Christ is denied and salvation is attained through secret knowledge.  St. Paul, at the time he was writing the epistle to the Colossians fought hard against dangerous cults of this type.  They threatened the Colossian church.  In verses 15 and 16 of Colossians chapter 1, Paul countered their arguments by revealing that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God” and the creator of all things.  This was his defense.

However, it is still a tragedy that we have inherited some of these false gospels today.  Among The Gnostic Gospels are The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Thomas.  These gospels were written 150 and sometimes 200 years after the historical events occurred.  Whereas, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts and the Epistles of St. Paul were eyewitness accounts and were written during the lives of the apostles.

It is insightful to observe that most scholars doubt that the purported authors wrote these false gospels.  You must be aware that a number of them are inconsistent with what the disciples thought and diametrically opposed to established Christian doctrine.

Case-in-point, The Gnostic Gospel of Philip could not have been written by the disciple because he believed that Jesus Christ was God incarnate.  One day Jesus was asked by Philip to show him the Father, God.  Jesus replied, “He that hath me has seen the Father; and how sayeth thou then, show us the Father?”  Thomas also believed that Jesus was God in the flesh, when he addressed Him as: “my Lord and my God.”

Bahamians must also continue to defend their Christian heritage.  It is totally irresponsible to expose the population to this kind of work at the risk of destroying their Christian ethic and faith.  Already, The Bahamas has problems with a very high murder rate; a record number of AIDS infections per capita, drug problems and other ills too numerous to mention.  Does any sensible person want to create further complications by attacking a belief system that gives its adherents a certain measure of protection and eternal salvation?

God has Already given us warnings.  In spite of hurricanes and economic challenges, we have not had a holocaust that has taken hundreds or even thousands of lives yet.  This is by the grace of God.  Take into consideration Hurricane Katrina and the deaths of 9000 people in New Orleans.  Prior to that was the “911” incident in New York.  What about the earthquakes in India occurring in the midst of their celebrations of false gods?  The Bible states that the nation that forgets God is turned into hell.


Almost everybody is familiar with the painting - The Last Supper, by Leonardo Da Vinci.  Dan Brown claims that the person on the right of Jesus is Mary Magdalene.  As a matter of fact, it is supposed to be John.  This picture is not a true representation of The Last Supper.  In the Middle Eastern culture at that time, there were no tables and chairs as we know them today.  Jesus and his disciples ate in a reclining position each taking turns in dipping their bread in one pot in common!  Another mistake in Da Vinci’s painting is that there are a number of cups.  In reality, there was only one cup that was passed around.

Since the Bible has the reputation of being the most documented book of all antiquity, let it address the situation of false gospels and the erroneous teaching of this age:

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who secretly shall bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring themselves swift destruction.  And Many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.  And through covetousness shall they, with feigned words, make merchandise of you; whose judgement now for a long time lingereth not, and their destruction  slumbereth not” (2 Peter 2: 1-3).

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Voice Of God


By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.

God speaks to modern man, however not everyone has developed the art of listening to Him.  Know that God is real.  However, I do not understand your skepticism, or your rejection of the the faith that you have studied so assiduously.

I want to tell you that God definitely speaks to me in no uncertain terms.  However, the mistake that most people make is to rely totally on research, and the intellect - instead of the intuition coming from God Himself.  He speaks to me in the following ways: The unction which enables me to know many things - 1 John 2:20.  An impression; visual signs and even numbers.  I asked God what was my purpose?  He replied in a dream: "I have placed you on this earth to do my work!  The first time I felt the presence of God was around 1976, and it was very tangible.  Whenever I feel His presence, I get a confirmation when certain situations work out for me.

If you really want to be able to develop sensitivity to God's voice, research - read what Mark Virkler has to say about it, and his method of hearing God's voice.  He says that God uses the intuitive right side of the brain to communicate.  Society has trained us to rely only on the left side.  He had great difficulty with it from the out start, but he conquered the problem - and claims that now he hears from God 24/7!  He claims that God speaks to all of us in many different ways.  It is just that we are not trained to listen.

I believe that God has even spoken to you, and you probably thought it was happenstance!  Perhaps a man or a woman of God had a message for you - and when delivered, it could be confirmed in your Spirit.  That is God speaking to you as well.

On your Internet, slot in Mark Virkler - and please don’t give up on clicking on the link below.  Trust me for once.  God is very real.  What have you to lose by trying to seek Him?  What have you to gain by giving up?


Communion with God Ministries:

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The Fallacy of Evolution

Evolution - Fact or Fallacy?



By Francis Fawkes, Th.D.



Christianity is accepted basically through faith.  The Bible says that is it impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).

Again, every Christian must have a factual basis for their belief-system.  We definitely know that it is the true faith and must be able to defend it against the onslaughts of atheists, agnostics, humanists.  In 1 Peter 11:6, it is written: " ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear."

There is an awesome, fantastic and impressive factual basis for your faith, Christianity.  For evolution, there is none.  I do not see how any intelligent person or a scientist could possibly subscribe to it.  This is because evolution is not even scientific.  It is also a pretext for immorality and moral relativism.

Proof of the fallacy of evolution:

If all life forms evolve, how come the cockroach has not evolved "after millions of years"?

How come pterodactyls were seen in New Guinea?  Weren't they suppose to be extinct”millions of years ago"?  Or were they supposed to evolve after "millions of years"?

How come men's footprints were seen in the fossil beds with that of a dinosaur?  According to the evolutionists, the dinosaurs were supposed to have died out before man come on the scene.  This shows that man and the dinosaur co-existed! The textbooks will probably have to be rewritten.  Evolution is a hoax.

In the Congo, Great dinosaurs have been seen called by the natives Mokele Mbembe.

According to the evolutionists, they were supposed to have died out "70 million years ago."

The prehistoric fish, the colecanth, survives unchanged after "400 million years."  What happened there, did evolution forget it?

The Aztecs made cave drawings of prehistoric flying reptiles in 600 A.D.?  WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?

Again I do not believe that these vast time periods that are describe ever existed.  They are much shorter.  True science proves this.  The methods of dating are grossly inaccurate.



Apatosaurus: Still live in the jungles of the Congo.  They are too large for our planned facilities (and especially for those of the church groups who would wish to borrow them) and breeding would be difficult given their presumably longer life cycle.

Plesiosaurs: Are reported living in many lakes and their carcasses have been found in the oceans by fishermen.  However, they are notoriously difficult to find alive and would require a large and expensive aquatic facility to display them.

Trilobites: We know they still live in the oceanic depths from body parts that have been found washed ashore.  They would require very expensive submersible vehicles and pressurized display tanks.

Velociraptors: Today terrorize the goat herders of Puerto Rico and are rumored to guard the remains of the Ark on Mt. Ararat.  They have become vicious since the fall as the result of the effects of genetic entropy, making them too dangerous for the sort of interactive public experience we have.



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