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Showing posts with label small business advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label small business advice. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Caption this


By Dennis Dames

Words paint great pictures
Small business network marketers, promoters and advertisers should welcome and embrace the practice of including a caption and description to every promotional post. It’s not sufficient or efficient to be an active member of a business networking - and advertising group, and share only links, videos, posters and banner ads - about your enterprise - without a captivating subject line, and description.

Always provide the target audience with inviting information relating to your works, products and services. What are you selling or promoting? What is your message about it, and so on. It’s a powerful way to build brand awareness, and to keep your niche, business and service in the consciousness of readers, patrons and prospects.

Many entrepreneurs and other enterprising business people, are in the constant hunt for new followers, customers and prospects in the organic market. It’s a lucrative approach and strategy - when done with a well prepared ad, and publicity campaign - which is rich in literature about our business, product or service.

A well written heading, along with helpful info about a related entity and their updates, products, goods and services- are well represented in related searches. The idea is to always set our announcements, bulletins, and advertisements in competitive light - for the maximum returns.

Let’s avoid becoming link, image, poster and video farmers. It’s a mediocre practice in networking, marketing, advertising and selling. Let’s perfect the art of rewarding written communications in our advert drive.

Let’s understand what content writing and copywriting is all about. They are based on information, education, entertainment and persuasion. So, if we say that we are networkers, marketers, promoters and advertisers of - affiliate programs, brands, goods and services, then we must learn to write powerfully attractive and memorable promotional pieces - professionally.

It’s what separates the good, bad and ugly in affiliate and network marketing. Impressive expository, descriptive, and narrative styles of writing are absolutely essential in the advertising and information sharing business. A marketing communicator and advertiser have to learn - and practice the virtue of writing good ads - to become winning and accomplished.

Words for communications
Take note of the sponsored advertisements in search engine results, and social media feeds. They are usually captioned, and contain an accompanying description - along with their respective subject video, image, sound - and so on.
We can learn a lot from their examples of presentable and appealing ads, and apply them free of cost in our worldwide community advertising and marketing crusade - with handsome results.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Get Productively Involved, and Engage Your Small Business in Rewarding Group Support, Sharing, Collaboration, Advertising, and Marketing Success Strategies


By Dennis Dames

Small business people are naturally at a marketing, promotional and advertising disadvantage when competing with the big boys in the same markets - promoting identical or similar brands, products and services.

Get involved in business marketing success strategy
It’s why joining small business marketing and networking groups of like interests - benefit small businessmen in so many effective and rewarding ways. An ad and information sharing community of small enterprises with active, and engaging members - with the right energy and focus - can stand up successfully against the larger establishments, and compete profitability.

Simply joining a free business advertising, sharing and networking group is not sufficient for healthy returns. All group members should commit to supporting each other. It’s how the group grows while every member reaps ongoing rewards.

I have seen many small business advertising, marketing and promotion groups increase in great numbers, but not in valuable quality. A rich membership is an interactive one. It’s a society of enterprising folks - who are committed to individual and collective success for all involved.

Small Business Networking Team
Business promo groups are more attractive, magnetic and promising - when every partner is resolved to keep the scammers, spammers, shammers and the likes out. It enhances the precious quality and value of the group - and attracts new and valued working members - in addition to the much sought after lucrative customers and prospects.

Small business advertising and networking communities were made for their enterprising owners and operators, other entrepreneurs, and marketers - to assist in the fruitful advancement of their causes, goods, products and services. The more members who commit to the productive growth of the body, the more viable and successful the community becomes for all participants.

Mass selfishness and inactiveness in a company advertising and sharing group - go contrary to the group’s vision and purpose. Universally dedicated involvement, meaningful engagement and helpful interaction - are the main pillars; thus - all members ought to be mindful of them - in formulation of their promotional campaign strategy.

Small Businesses People Collaborating for Business Success
After all, it’s free business advertisements with satisfying results - when done with unselfish and genuine participation, useful collaboration, constructive support and practical networking in mind.

As a group grows favorably, so does it popularity. A well managed and moderated networking, marketing, advertising and promotions group - with a spirited, motivated and passionate membership - can only advance from strength to strength; thereby becoming a successful commercial, advertising, sharing and promotional force - for loyal customers, promising prospects, the all-important small business community and the like.

There’s truly power in unity; but in the togetherness, there needs to be continuing healthy interaction and exchanges between business people and patrons on the local, regional and international fronts. It’s how small business community support groups survive in a highly competitive advertising world.
No group endures efficiently on autopilot. The membership is the pilot and leader; and an inactive pilot is an ineffective and unproductive one.

Teamwork equals success
It follows therefore, that an actively energetic and supportive advertising group membership, is a positively welcomed approach to achieve the desired promotional results for all advertisers, website promotors and marketers concerned; while the beloved customers are pleased - and the good news are deservingly shared with more and more worthwhile prospects.

Commit to a collective and involved partnership in a business community networking, and advertising group. Play your role in the successful development of the enterprise advert cooperative; and encourage other members to do their good part accordingly - in the interest of top notch customer service, loyalty and satisfaction.

Turn on the lights, and let’s proudly demonstrate to the people, advertising, marketing and networking world - that we are lively and positively involved together - in the ever expanding customer, business and marketers networking, and promotion groups - for our competitive and satisfying piece of the sales - and commissions pie; on and offline.

We believe in the eternal spiritual drive of support, engagement and interaction among customers, entrepreneurs and other enterprising people - in our business networking, advertising, sales and rewards communities.

Teamwork for success in a small business community support group
We make it happen as the mighty one - in the wholesome spirit of championship teamwork, fertile support, rich cooperation, high-yielding collaboration - and the undying commitment to succeed through productive, and systematically gainful interactivity.
After all, it’s really worth being an exemplary, and actively fecund team leader and player - in every worthwhile small business information, education, entertainment, advertising, promotion and marketing communities of choice. It absolutely pays to be zestfully and ambitiously involved.