Promote Your Stuff


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Frustrated Online Marketer

We are not alone in the Online promotions arena

By Dennis Dames

Online Marketing Frustration
There are so many among us who are not making any inroads in our marketing and promotion efforts on the Internet. A lot of our annoyances and disappointments in this regard - are self inflicted; as we really don’t know what we are doing.

So much of us are under the impression that the Web is a place where we get rich quick - with little or no effort. We believe that all we have to do is to join social media groups, and spam our way to success - with un-resonating and mediocre content.

We are not interested in building relationships, communicating, supporting, and Networking with others. We don’t like to read, we hate writing, and we are really not open to learning the business. Yet, we think that we can achieve financial success on the Net - nonetheless.

We have it all wrong. Marketing and advertising on the Worldwide Web require vision, know how, strategy, research, patience, innovativeness and the determination to succeed - with top notch and top-rated performances. It’s important to keep pace with the real-time trends in the business, and to be open to penetrating new - and lucrative markets - for the purpose of building a potent traffic flow, and increasing the customer base - for the long haul.

Online Marketing Perspectives
This doesn’t happen magically. Hard work, patience, unfading resolve and perseverance are essential ingredients - especially for small business owners, and entrepreneurs. We must realize that many others are also aggressively and prudently competing for more prospects, customers, subscribers, and business - generally. We are not alone in the Online promotions arena.

Even if our products and services are unique - and in demand, people still need to know about them. So, the question is: How do we get folks to become aware of our respective business, product, and service - in the most professional, and effectively alluring fashion?

We cannot be static in our Web promotion efforts - if we want to succeed. Nor should we approach our advertising campaign in a bubble - or in isolation. The Internet is about connecting, reaching out, and sharing. One cannot be successful alone; it’s humanly impossible - but a large bunch of wannabe Online marketers are unwittingly giving it a try any way. It’s total madness which leads to a life of marketing frustration.

About Online Marketing success
Look at the three major high traffic business websites Online- namely: Google, YouTube and Facebook. Together, they generate a total of about 152 Billion Visitors a month, according to VisualCapitalist.

What are they offering so? Their services are obviously popular and useful to the multitude of new users, loyal customers and advertising clients. This article will be published on Facebook and Blogger platforms - for strategic purposes; and they involve taking full advantage of the huge organic traffic which passes through the Google and Facebook interactive Networks.

Additionally, I know that every major search engine will eventually index this piece for posterity. So, I want to make sense here - and offer some noteworthy and valuable perspectives about marketing on the Net - to potential readers, prospects, subscribers, and customers. The high traffic search engines like: Google, Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo reward unique content and style. With that in mind, I always want to be competitively presentable in my articles, and marketing campaign in general.

It about building my brand in the consciousness of people who would have an interest in business and services like mine. I want be where people gather in huge numbers daily - for commerce, and social interaction. Therefore, I am an active member of a good number of Online communities where folks congregate daily in the tens of millions- for business, pleasure and other reasons. High traffic places like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others- are worth the while in the promotions of one’s enterprise.

Market Online with Sense
The only way out of the frustrating routine, is to be frank with one’s self - and ask the question: Am I open to learning all about Online marketing - so that I can be a competitive and thriving advertising force to be reckoned with? If the answer is in the affirmative, then one can proceed to the next step - which is to work slowly - but surely towards becoming a master of the trade through continuing education, and profitable promotion practices.

The generation of new customers and sales are always a work in progress. That’s why we engage in marketing, advertising and promotions regularly. Every professional business enterprise depends on it for survival, and all marketers should be conscious of this.

An Online Marketer's Perspective about Marketing on the Worldwide Web
So, the ongoing quest for new markets, clients and faithful supporters continues uninterrupted by the focused and qualified sales and marketing establishment. We all want our piece of the action; thus - we must learn how to get some of it continuously, and with great satisfaction.
This is the worthy challenge which every promoter of goods and services need to embrace, endorse and put in to professional practice - in order to remain competitively and un-frustratingly in the game.